
  举办庆祝泰国丘氏宗亲总会成立50周年大会,承蒙大家齐心合力,热烈支持,使这次大会圆满成功,谨向大 家致以衷心谢忱。 本期内容,把盛大的大会活动每个角度的气氛介绍给大家欣赏和留念。理事会...



颁发 2010 年度奖学金

    นายกอนันตชัย  คุณานันทกุล ให้โอวาทแก่นักเรียน นักศึกษาที่ได้รับรางวัลการศึกษา  ประจำปี ...

向 2010 年资深理事赠送荣誉纪念盾

    向本会理事长南强先生之令堂、本会年龄最高的丘(锺)水蕉老夫人赠送荣誉纪念盾 丘氏资深宗亲接受赠送荣誉纪念盾...

向对社会贡献良多的人士 赠送荣誉纪念盾

  สมาคมสกุลคูสงเคราะห์ แห่งประเทศไทย มอบโล่เกียรติคุณผู้มีคุณูปการและโล่เกียรติยศ แด่ผู้ทำคุณป...


资深董事举行祭祖仪式   早上举行祭祖仪式之前,宗亲祭祖的热闹场面    

  • 本会成立五十周年联欢大会

    2010-12-21 16:29
  • 举行年度会员大会

    2011-02-05 16:15
  • 颁发 2010 年度奖学金

    2011-02-05 16:42
  • 向 2010 年资深理事赠送荣誉纪念盾

    2011-02-05 16:42
  • 向对社会贡献良多的人士 赠送荣誉纪念盾

    2011-02-05 16:42
  • 宗长及理事们实行祭祖仪式

    2011-02-05 22:01

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0 #14 kelsisantiagomr50 2022-03-09 15:58
, I said, "Why? He didn't do anything wrong. Why, do you, you, fight for me?" Sina said so. People's murmur--that 'substitute' is a royal family--In the end, Elijahion wisely decided to finish the banquet of the day--the order ceremony there. "...SEON ASNAEL in my room..." Gadiel went back and forth from the room and raised his head.

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0 #13 sunnymindite46 2022-03-09 15:57
Seo rejected it. This was truly an incident that caused great controversy and remained. Naturally, someone stepped up for the honor of SEON ASNAEL. "I'll... For SEON ASNAEL, we'll have a duel!" This time, it was Luon Lukanaan. But that word was withdrawn by the party, Asnael. Asnael, with a calm face,

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0 #12 loastcoastranch 2022-03-08 15:11
It flocked to the artist who made the flame. Soon, a desperate scream burst, and blood was sprayed. This scene was enough to make my hair stand up. The security guard and the artist... However, there are so many "unmanned" classes here. None of them helped guards or artists. None of them stepped up for them...! Why?!! However, the question of "why" was soon resolved. It was because Hadit shouted. "Hurry up!" We have to go to the back so that Louis Tion can fight easily.

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0 #11 cremocream 2022-03-08 15:11
And so regretted turning his head in a bloody scene.As soon as the words of haditeu.Monsters, I can say little afraid of the fire.Art's fire fused the side, died, and some of it to nalttwi and shouting angrily hit at." keua the Argh !!!Flame to him have it !! !! " And they are exactly, I -- first, man.

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0 #10 tedbirli 2022-03-08 15:10
They gave way to can not with this is Sina.But haditeu all said without embarrassment." Oh my God !!!So close!That stupid artist!Priority will be back, but it's not --!Damn ...! or, no!We back in the back! "" Uh, Yes! " But Cena is behind casting a sidelong glance, before you take to the hills, the hands of haditeu boat all.

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0 #9 andamenti 2022-03-08 15:10
It soared about a meter from the ground, burning like a small sun in the air, and the next moment, it made a wedge sound and hit the monsters directly. There were so many, so they couldn't avoid anywhere, and the monsters who were hit by it were screaming. The disgusting smell of burning flesh quickly spread around. This seemed to be the "Fireball." I'm tired of being pale.

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0 #8 loastcoastranch 2022-03-05 13:36
It is hard to put it in the (pictures or films or cartoons, or dance, or ...) and article 'feeling' irip, Nida.After all, from day to day living, the limits these days.There's no such thing as each life that might be a writer ; ^ _ ^, and I want to be, even if it could be ...(Do you, you can not write is not the problem ...I want to write ...A jaw problem. ...

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0 #7 cremocream 2022-03-05 13:35
Actually, the plot is nothing. However, depending on the composition of the story and the selected lines (of course, the actress' acting also played a part. It was very pretty. It's a one-man translation, right? ^^ The acting was so natural that I thought they were two people with similar faces at first.^^) The movie has become very "special." Listing the plot is simple,

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0 #6 andamenti 2022-03-05 13:35
Because if we can, would be fantastic.^ _ ^ That the idea can to can pass for a second I'm short, concepts.However, Korean board is white, to write, it just bitter against him to.How did it feel?When I read something bitter in your mouth, all right?The latest cultural life (Well, I also need ...) ; - _ - a movie called 'Love Letter' Beam anneunde.Very impressed.

https://andamenti.com/first/ - 퍼스트카지노
0 #5 tedbirli 2022-03-05 13:35
I read the short stories called 'space filled with love' of an elderly man Clark, omitting all the different place.With (?) over light, fast communication it human eongeupadeo sanyeompa.'The human mind' ...I think the right story.Very clear in my head, written on the stories ...It's painful to write it in writing.With a view to pass

https://tedbirli.com/first/ - 퍼스트카지노

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